Organizers: Paul Bottomley (Event Director), Pam James (Controller)

This will be Barebones style event, meaning the approach will be casual in order to minimize the amount of volunteer capacity required, while still providing an enjoyable event for orienteers. The intention of this event is to provide a wake-up for the season, both for the organizers and the participants.

In particular for those participating in the NSTR Bowater Trail-O event running the following weekend, this will be an opportunity to remember which end of the compass is up…er, North.


This will be a Point-to-Point event with Advanced, Intermediate and Beginner courses.

To complete any of the courses participants must visit a series of control points in the order shown on the map provided. The terrain is varied - wooded trail, open parkland and sports fields. Distances given below are estimates in a straight line between points.

Beginner: The easiest to navigate and shortest distance to cover; about 2 km.

Intermediate: More route choice to challenge your navigation skills. Most controls located just off trails with typically clear features to ease navigation; about 3 km.

Advanced: Longer with route choice; higher technical difficulty, good navigation skills required; about 4 km.

A beginner’s clinic may be offered. Let us know if you are interested, and we can provide some form of instruction, if not a formal clinic. Please check-in at 10am if you require instruction.


Signup for courses by selecting the appropriate course button on this page.

Prior to participating in an event, all participants must have completed the Orienteering NS registration form and the Orienteering Canada waiver provided at the links below. Normally, this is a once-a-year process.

We will be moving to a new registration system shortly, but it is not likely to go live prior to this event. Unfortunately, this means you will need to re-register once the new system is in place. We apologize for this inconvenience; it does mean that registration in future years should be much quicker!

Please ensure you register via these links by midnight Thursday, April 13, 2023 to ensure a map is printed for you. On-site check-in will take place on site from 10:00 to 10:45 am. Again, please ensure you have completed membership/waiver in advance (see above).

Registration and Waiver (most participants)


Last minute registration: This can be done on site, but we typically only have a few extra maps. Also, pre-registration allows the on-site details to move more quickly.

VOLUNTEERS would be appreciated for a few tasks associated with the event (e.g. Beginner clinic, registration, control pickup). Please see here to sign up.

Snacks: A small post race treat will be available, but participants should bring their own water if needed.


Due to the ongoing glorious spring, and to keep down park maintenance costs, the gate on Champions Way leading into the large parking lot in the park will not yet be open. This will require a short walk to the registration table. Parking will be available along the road starting from the Gate. Registration will be at the location pinned below.


11:00 am (staggered starts); course closure will be 2:00 pm. For final on-site registration try to be at the registration table by 10:45 at the latest. Start will be just adjacent to the registration location pinned below. A safety briefing will be given at 10:45.

Entry Fees:

The following are the fees for this event (pre-registered), add $5 for day-of registrations:

Senior: (age 21 and above) $10 per person

Junior: (age 20 and under) $5 per person

Family or wayfaring group: $15

Organized Group (e.g. scouts, guides, cadets, etc.: $5 per person)

SI (timing device) rental: $3 per unit

Maximum fee per family unit: $25

How to Pay:

In advance: By Electronic funds transfer to the following email:

In person: A payment container will be available. Please bring correct change.


To Paul at


Event is in McDonald Sports Park in Waverley NS. Registration and Start Finish will be at the pinned location shown in the map below; next to the park map, flags and a tent will be present. As the park road is still closed while spring conditions persist, parking will be along the side of Champions Way outside the park gate. A short walk will bring participants to the registration table.


Course Maps

Beginner (Group)

Intermediate (Group)

Advanced (Group)


Photos are from Flickr. To add your photos to this section, tag your Flickr photos with: whyjustrun5027 (all one word)